Thursday 10 January 2013

Will you look at that??

 This is just an in between, fun post for me :) Showing you guys the amount of samples I have in my cupboard!! 

All the sachet samples collected over the past 1-2 years, some given to me by my mom too.

I don't know if it sounds weird, but I like to go through the pouches to look at what I have sometimes.... hahaha... 

And yup, more samples/gift with purchases in bottle form!!! Crazy, isn't it?

I'm not sure if you guys would appreciate posts about product sachet samples? I hesitate to write these (more a stress-reliever for me than anything, writing these posts) because I like to use products for at least 2 weeks to a month or even longer to get a good idea if the product worked or not. 

Also, there are heaps of Korean products I want to try! I read reviews online all the time to get an idea if I should purchase them or not... Am checking out Innisfree because I like how it's more natural than most brands? Or so it seems. :) 

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