Friday 30 November 2012

Updated: Laneige Water Bank Gel Cream Review & Note about Authenticity and Logo

 I got a sample of this with some of my purchases from Korea, with this being one of them. I really liked the texture, so got this online when I needed a moisturizer. 

 All Korean words at the back. 

 Love the blue glass jar, and neat packaging. Also love Laneige cosmetics' scent for their products.

Note about logo: I have read reviews online and many question the authenticity of the Laneige items they buy because the logo doesn't have the tick at the I. Some do, some don't. I tried researching this a few times, and could only find one weird link that said that Laneige is changing their logo to the one above (ie, no tick at the I). I have checked out photos of people going to the Laneige counter for events etc, and I see this logo on their box and jar packaging, so it seems like it really is the new one.

The other thing I compared it to is my Laneige Water Supreme foundation that was bought at the Laneige shop in Korea, and the logo is like the one above. So I believe it is genuine. The scent and texture is also the same. My guess is the logo with the tick at the "i" may be the old logo, maybe older stock (but still within this year), and not that those items are fake either.

When in doubt, buy from a seller with heaps of good reviews or at retail stores. :) 

 Korean skin care and makeup tends to print the manufacture date, not expiry date. This one was made 2012, October 10! 

 What it says about the Water Bank line... 

 There's a little cap to keep the cream from spilling out, as well as to keep it clean, I suppose. Good idea.

 It truly is like a gel, very light and cooling upon application. 

Here's a picture of it blended on my hand. It leaves a slightly glossy but not oily film, and doesn't feel too heavy. 

However, though I am probably more used to a very minimal and light skin care routine (toner/essence, pimple cream, eye gel), layering this on top of all of that felt kind of suffocating for me. Don't get me wrong, I guess I'm just the sort who prefers skin that feels like there's nothing on it. So I will be using this more on dry spot areas instead of all over my face.

{Updated: I actually really love putting this on now! It doesn't feel "suffocating" anymore, and absorbs quickly, so it just feels ... hydrated. Haha.. I actually use it especially around my nose and mouth areas where my skin tends to get slightly dry. Works like a dream.)

Verdict: It does its job, and does moisturize the skin. Whether it does for 24 hours as it claims, I'm not too sure. I haven't used it everyday, but maybe every other day and it doesn't break me out (most important for me!). Happy with it to continue using this...

Bought for only SGD 28.80  from  Amorepacific,who is apparently the company that owns Laneige! This company owns Sulwhasoo, Innisfree, Mamonde, Iope... amongst others. Shipping is horrendously slow, but it is free, and if you aren't in a hurry, it's alright.

It retails for about $55 in stores, if I'm not wrong. 

I will be reviewing the eye gel soon, as well as Leaders Insolution and MediHeal masks! 

Stay tuned and please say hi if you feel comfortable to :) 


  1. Hi!

    I've actually tried the gel cream and really love it. However the link that you provide above doesn't allow me to buy anymore. Do you have any other sites to recommend me where I can buy at the similar rate? Hope to hear from you soon!


    1. Hi SL! Would you like to drop me an email at I will provide you a link :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. hiii! please are you write this creams ingredients


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